Learning through Play

3 min readApr 14, 2023


Gamification is the process of using game design elements in non-game contexts to motivate and engage people. In education, gamification involves incorporating game mechanics into learning activities, such as points, badges, leaderboards, and challenges, to increase student motivation and engagement. By making learning more interactive and fun, gamification can help students retain information better and develop a love for learning.

There are many more benefits to incorporating these techniques in the classroom or self-learning such as:

  1. Increased engagement: Gamification makes learning more interactive and fun, which can help increase students’ engagement and motivation to learn.
  2. Enhanced learning outcomes: When students are actively engaged in a game-based learning experience, they are more likely to retain information and achieve better learning outcomes.
  3. Personalized learning: Gamification can help personalize the learning experience by providing feedback and progress updates based on individual student performance.
  4. Encourages collaboration: Many game-based learning experiences involve group work or collaboration, which can help students develop important social skills and learn how to work effectively in teams.
  5. Develops problem-solving skills: Games often require players to solve complex problems and puzzles, which can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  6. Immediate feedback: Gamification can provide immediate feedback to students, which allows them to make adjustments and improvements in real-time.
  7. Fun and engaging: Finally, gamification can simply make learning more fun and engaging for students, which can help them develop a lifelong love of learning.

Innovative ways to incorporate these principles in a classroom:

The next advice is more applicable for ambitious teachers but proactive students could use some techniques to accelerate their learning and zoom ahead of the competition.

There are many examples of how gamification has been successfully applied in different educational settings. One popular way to incorporate gamification into education is through the use of digital games. Games can be used to teach math and science lessons, for example, by incorporating puzzles, quizzes, and interactive simulations. Language learning can also benefit from gamification, by using points and badges to incentivize progress and encourage competition.

In addition to digital games, gamification can take many other forms in education. For example, teachers may create challenges and competitions for history and geography lessons, encouraging students to explore and learn about new topics in a fun and engaging way. Another exciting application of gamification is through the use of augmented and virtual reality, which allows students to immerse themselves in new environments and gain hands-on experience. This can be particularly useful for subjects like biology, where students can interact with virtual organisms in a safe and controlled environment.

Finally, gamification can also involve simulations and role-playing activities. These can be used to help students understand complex concepts and apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. For example, a business class might use a simulation to help students understand the complexities of running a company, while a social studies class might use role-playing activities to help students learn about different historical events and perspectives.

How Abekus has incorporated these techniques

Once you sign-up for the service (which you should do right now, it is completely FREE), you would observe the importance given to leaderboards, streaks, points and gems. We have used these *tricks* with great care to help you keep motivated to solve more questions and keep learning.

Visit Abekus.com and see for yourself!!




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